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Welcome to GEMS: AGU's submission system

Perspectives of Earth and Space Scientists is an open-access collection of scientific perspectives, commentaries, essays, professional insights, and news items by Earth and space scientists reflecting on important scientific discoveries, advances, and events across the full spectrum of Earth and space sciences. These open access articles are intended to be read and understood by the larger geosciences community as well as the general science-interested public, with a particular emphasis on inspiring and informing the next generations of Earth and space scientists.

Scope:Perspectives pieces can take several different formats, each with a different set of guidelines and target length.

Article. The primary format of the journal, articles provide an author or authors’ perspective on either a geophysical science topic or aspect of the field of geophysics. Although these articles should have a geophysical focus and are not meant to be biographies or memoirs, they may also incorporate personal reflections/examples/lessons learned from the author’s scientific career, such as research breakthroughs, challenges that are overcome, and cultural differences in scientific research systems. The journal also encourages topics around diversity, equity, and inclusion in geosciences. Articles are encouraged from all parts of the geophysical community to represent the diversity in nationality, ethnicity, gender, and career stage of Earth and space scientists. [Peer reviewed]

A sub-category of an Article is a:

Memorial. A single author or group of authors may contribute a memorial to highlight the scientific accomplishments of a deceased AGU member.

Commentary Commentaries state a brief position on a scientific or science-related topic without the full documentation and research behind it that is expected for a Perspectives article. Commentaries may address aspects of geoscience policy, education, and infrastructure, as well as research. [Not normally peer reviewed, but can be at the discretion of the editor]

Sub-categories of Commentaries include:

Debate Commentaries may be used by two debating individuals or research communities. As a debate, the Commentary format will allow each side to contribute an initial statement and then a follow-up rebuttal to the other’s statement.

Opinion Along the lines of a letter to the editor, an Opinion can be used for an author or authors to state a particular viewpoint or opinion without the requirement of referenced documentation.

News Updates Shorter than articles and commentaries, news updates provide authors with a forum to update the geophysical community with timely information about research programs, funding opportunities, conference directions, professional organizational news, etc. [Not peer reviewed]

A sub-category of a News Update is a:

Regional Report A News Update may have specific relevance for a particular geographic region or community, and a Regional Report can meet the specific needs of that region.

Add your ORCID to GEMS and always have this identifier link you and all of your work. AGU encourages all authors and reviewers to create and add an Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) to their account. It's easy: just update your profile on an existing account or add ORCID when you create your account. Learn more about ORCID.

ORCIDS will now be required for all corresponding authors and strongly encouraged for coauthors.
AGU officially joins with a number of other publishers in a commitment to include the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) for authors of all papers published. See statement https://eos.org/agu-news/agu-opens-its-journals-to-author-identifiers

All AGU journal content from 1997 to 24 months ago is freely available online.

Please note: Your username/password will be synched across AGU and be a universal login. The AGU membership site will be accessible with the same username/password you have used or updated in GEMS, and vice versa.

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